Bottle gourd kurma (surraikai)

½ cup Bottle gourd (grated)
1 no Onion (medium)
3 no Tomato (medium)
1 T Oil
Salt (as per taste)

Table -2
4 no G.chilli( bombay)
10 strands Mint leaves
3 strands Coariander leaves

1½ tsp R.chilli powder(kashmiri)
1 tsp Tumeric powder
2 tsp Dania powder
1½ tsp Garam masala powder

½ cup Coconut(grated)
2 clove Garlic
1 tsp Fennel seed
2 tsp Poppy seed

Paste the ingredients from table 2(G.chilli,mint leaves & coriander leaves) and keep it aside; grind the items from table 4(coconut,garlic,fennel seeds,poppy seed). Add 1T oil in kadai, saute onion till it turns to golden brown color. Then add tomatoes followed by grated bottle gourd, add salt & stir it. Let it cook for a while. Then addd green paste; next add all the powders one by one cook it till raw smell goes off. Finally add table 4 paste & mix it well. Let it cook altogether for somE more it’s ready to serve hot


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